Kafui_Deadlift-SBD Apparel Canada
Kafui Hotsonyame

Kafui Hotsonyame

IPF Open Classic World Championship
2024 - 83kg - 7th
2022 - 83kg - 6th
2021 - 83kg - 5th
2019 - 83kg - 7th

CPU Open Classic National Championship
2024 - 83kg - Gold
2023 - 83kg - Bronze
2020 - 83kg - Gold
2019 - 83kg - Bronze

Best Lifts
Classic Squat - 290kg
Classic Bench Press - 180kg
Classic Deadlift - 340kg
Classic Total - 800.5kg

Growing up in Guelph, Ontario, I had an obession with soccer. As a kid, I was always outside training, practicing my skills and running drills. Deep down, I thought somehow I would get scouted and find my way to England playing in the premier league. I had a huge dream of representing Canada on the world stage! That dream eventually came true, but in the sport of powerlifting!

I have been competing since March of 2018 and as of Jan 2024 I have competed in 3 World Championships and one North American Championship. I owe a lot of my early success to Ryan Lapadat, who was my first coach and has always acted as a support system. Now, I currently train with Jason Tremblay of The Strength Guys, who has helped me to carry on my momentum.

Outside of the gym I keep busy working for a Health Med technology company, while also working as a part-time powerlifting coach. Additionally, when I'm not training you can find me and my German Shephard pup Kaya at the park working on her tricks!

Lastly, I can't take for granted the support of my family and wife which has been instrumental over the years!

What is your favourite lifting memory?
Breaking the deadlift World Record at my first World Championships in 2019, even though I only held it for a couple minutes!

What is one piece of advice you have for up and coming athletes getting into strength training or strength sport?
Track your progress from the start! Strength training is a process that doesn't happen over night. We all have those moments where sometimes we feel we aren't where we should be, but it can be great to look back and reflect on the progress you have made or are making over time! Stick with it for the long run, this sport is far from a sprint!

What is your favourite lift or event?
Bench (my real answer is the deadlift, but I'm trying to convince myself it's bench as that lift needs the most work).

What is your favourite product and why?
13mm Belt
I really enjoy the feel and support that the belt provides during my lifts. Personally, I prefer waiting until I'm closer to my working sets to put on my supports; because mentally, it feels like it gives me a little power-up.

What 3 other items are your go to and why?
Powerlifting Knee Sleeves
Flexible Medium Wrist Wraps
The knee sleeves and wrist wraps provide added support while I'm lifting. Additionally, looking good whether I am sporting the singlet, t -shirt or tank top helps inspire confidence.

What colourway is your favourite and why?
My favourite colourway often switches based on my mood and the day. Defy and Phantom are two that I most often lean towards!

Why do you believe SBD is the gear all athletes should use?
SBD- Strength, Belief, Determination. As a brand, SBD really does embody strength, belief and determination. I personally feel SBD is top of the line when it comes to strength straining equipment, supports and apparel.

Why do you believe in working with SBD Canada as a Sponsored Athlete?
Beyond the high end quality of the product, SBD has been pivotal in helping to elevate strength sports overall! This has been shown through supporting athletes, sponsoring national teams, and supporting various levels of competition. SBD is a brand committed to supporting the growth of strength sports and specifically has helped to elevate my sport of powerlifting. One last example is the Sheffield Powerlifting Championships. In my opinion, there hasn't been a bigger spectacle to date in the sport.
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